Opener Display

Opener Display

I have a fetish for buying box lots of small items at auctions or bags of misc. stuff at estate sales. One of the items that I just can’t let go of when I find them in my purchases are bottle openers. I have a drawer In my shop full of them and one day decided to pull out some of the unique branding ones and build a display for the. Made of scrap wood and glass from a salvation army picture frame.

Disclaimer: I consider myself an artist. Words and wood are my mediums. I ‘create’ items in wood to express myself. I do not consider it a hobby. I do not make jigs and pump out hundreds of ‘craft’ items. I picture something in my mind and I ‘create’ it. It is a part of me.

“Woodworking is a fine art defined as “a visual art considered to have been created primarily for aesthetic and intellectual purposes.” We see beautiful artwork in woodworking all the time, and thus, it can be considered fine art.” (

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